As another year draws to a close, we would like to thank all of our rail clients, partners and suppliers for their continued support. 2021 has continued to be an uncertain time for the rail industry, so we would like to take a moment to look back at some of the ways that SOCOTEC has supported the rail sector.

In light of COVID restrictions easing a little compared to last year, we have managed to complete more work and events for the rail industry.
On The Tracks 2021
As part of our annual review, we invite you to take a look back at the broad range of topics covered in On the Tracks over the course of this year, all of which can be accessed by clicking on the links below:
- Management and Maintenance of Effluent and Discharge in Railway Depots
- Monitoring Lighting Levels on the Railway
- Legionella Roles and Responsibilities
- Getting the UK’s Rail Operations Back on Track
- Hazardous Materials within Rolling Stock
- Reviewing the HSG248 Asbestos Analyst’s Guide (Second edition) 2021
- Summer Months and Legionella on Board
- Supporting the Rail Industry – REF 2021 Preview
- Railway Environmental Forum 2021.
If you have any ideas for future topics for inclusion within next year’s editions of On the Tracks, please get in touch
Return of the REF 2021
Back in 2020, we unfortunately could not hold the Railway Environmental Forum due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, with restrictions easing this year, we managed to get the REF back on track.
We had a fantastic turnout at the event, which was held in London at the BMA house in November. There were many topics covered at the Forum, including asbestos, environmental noise and sustainability.
We are already looking forward to the Railway Environmental Forum for 2022 and hope to see many of you there again next year.
On behalf of all of us at SOCOTEC UK, we would like to wish you a merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.
How can SOCOTEC help?
To discuss how SOCOTEC can support your rail organisation with its testing, inspection and compliance services, click here or get in touch.
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