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Marine, Ports & Harbours
Clients operating within the marine sector are no stranger to the ever changing and often challenging conditions that their work entails, providing them with a heightened awareness of the importance of controlling safety and security risks, complying with stringent regulations and improving efficiency and environmental performance.
SOCOTEC provides comprehensive monitoring support to clients across the marine, port and harbour sectors, helping them to reduce risk, remain compliant with industry and safety standards and improve their environmental performance. With over 60 years of industry experience, our independent technical services provide a thorough solution for clients operating within these sectors, allowing us to support nearshore and inland water construction projects via an array of investigatory, surveying, monitoring and testing services.
Our expert teams have established a longstanding reputation for technical expertise in UKAS-accredited marine sediment testing and marine environmental monitoring support, offering streamlined, robust extraction and analysis processes and fast turnaround times. We are proud to be the first non-Government body to have gained accreditation from the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) to carry out marine sediment analysis, as well as possessing a decade of proven performance in the Quality Assurance for Marine Environmental Monitoring (QUASIMEME) scheme.
SOCOTEC’s support for the marine, ports and harbours sectors spans across a number of our teams and services, including: