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    SOCOTEC Gains Accreditation as Lantra Off-road Vehicle Operating Instructors

    Fri 01/25/2019 - 12:59

    SOCOTEC UK is pleased to announce that two members of their Ground Investigation Resources Team have gained accreditation as Lantra off-road vehicle operating instructors.

    Lantra is one of the leading awarding bodies for land-based industries in the UK and Republic of Ireland, developing quality training courses and nationally recognised qualifications that are delivered through a national network of training providers.


    Following a training period, Lee Dando and Daniel Griffith, have taken a number of assessments in order to gain their off road vehicle operating instructor status. Now qualified, Lee and Daniel can pass on their skills to other members of the SOCOTEC's Ground Investigation team to improve the standard of off-road vehicle capabilities on Ground Investigation projects.

    The off-road vehicle operating (4x4) course upskills staff with the appropriate training, enabling them to meet the latest health and safety requirements. The training module covers basic vehicle operating techniques, vehicle checks and recovery as well as identifying and managing risk safely, all key skills when driving vehicles on uneven and challenging terrain as well as in tough weather conditions.

    With continuous improvement in mind, delivering accredited third-party training internally further supports how SOCOTEC UK operates vehicles in off-road environments by teaching all operators how to manage the risks associated with off-road vehicle operations.


    Working with Lantra, SOCOTEC UK has been able to build a training course around the current Lantra syllabus to enable SOCOTEC to meet client requirements in Ground Investigation project delivery.

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