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NEC4 Engineering and Construction Contract Training
Understand and increase your confidence working with the NEC4 Engineering and Construction Contract (ECC).
This training provides essential guidance and practical advice to those working with the NEC. It will facilitate compliance with the contract’s extensive procedures, particularly with respect to early warnings, the programme and compensation events.
This course can be tailored to one of the below main options:
Option A: Priced contract with activity schedule
Option B: Priced contract with bill of quantities
Option C: Target contract with activity schedule
Option D: Target contract with bill of quantities
Option E: Cost reimbursable contract
Course details
Approximately 6 hours
Classroom-based learning which can be delivered in-house or at one of SOCOTEC’s training facilities
This course is ideal for construction professionals working with the NEC4 ECC, such as:
Project managers
Contract managers
Quantity surveyors
Please enquire for further details
The course will allow you to:
Identify and manage key administrative procedures under the contract
Recognise contractual risks and oversee the early warning process
Understand and manage programme requirements
Manage and value change using the compensation event process
Appreciate common pitfalls under the contract and how to avoid them