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Commercial Awareness and Contract Administration Training
Don’t play the ‘game’ without understanding the rules. Commercial awareness is fundamental to effective contract management and project success.
This training will provide a detailed review of commercial awareness throughout the project lifecycle. You will develop a thorough understanding of the contracting process to successfully implement and administer contracts, as well as a deeper understanding and appreciation of risk and opportunity.
This course reviews commercial awareness via the JCT/NEC contracts but the good practice learnt can be applied to all other standard forms of contract.
Course details
Approximately 6 hours
Classroom-based learning which can be delivered in-house or at one of SOCOTEC’s training facilities
This course is ideal for construction professionals such as:
Project managers
Quantity surveyors
Please enquire for further details
This course will allow you to:
Recognise common pitfalls that could undermine contract performance and understand how these can be avoided
Identify common contract amendments that could lead to issues on projects
Ensure you are in the best position at project outset to avoid risk, maximise opportunities and recover your entitlements
Recognise the importance of record keeping and issuing notices