SOCOTEC’s team of experienced fire safety engineers can support your project or organisation with ensuring compliance with all relevant Irish fire safety legislation in regards to design, construction and continued use of a building.
Based out of our offices in Letterkenny and Naas, our team can offer professional advice and technical expertise to ensure that your building is safe for occupation.

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Our services include:
Staying up-to-date with Fire Safety Regulations in Ireland
It is important to familiarise yourself with the documents and legislation that will help you fulfil your fire safety duties to ensure the protection of your workforce or construction project.
Fire safety in existing buildings is primarily governed by the Fire Services Act 1981 and Fire Services Act 2003. This legislation sets out the obligations placed on building owners with regard to fire safety and amongst others, describes the potential items that may result in the categorisation of a dangerous building. The act also gives powers to the Fire Authority with regard to their rights for accessing a building for inspection and if deemed appropriate, issue of enforcement or prohibition notices for a premises.
The Health and Safety Authority (HSA) is an Irish body that was founded under the Safety, Health and Welfare Act 1989, now the Safety, Health and Welfare Act 2005. The HSA has the responsibility for overseeing and enforcement of health and safety legislation in the workplace across Ireland and states that ‘employers must ensure so far as is reasonably practicable, the safety, health and welfare at work of his or her employees’. This places the duty of responsibility on a person in control of a workplace, to ensure a safe working environment, which also includes provisions for fire safety. One way of fulfilling these obligations is to have periodic Fire Risk Assessments undertaken for your building. This will provide information on the correct use of the building safety systems and support with identifying fire defects and areas for remediation.
Prior to any proposed work being undertaken to a building, the Building Regulations will need to be consulted to determine the appropriate route to compliance and to the extent to which the works are applicable to the regulatory process, including new builds, extensions or remediation and restoration works.
How can SOCOTEC support your sector achieve compliance with Irish fire safety regulations?
SOCOTEC’s comprehensive package of fire safety services are flexible and relevant to a range of industry sectors. We provide consultancy services in rail, healthcare, residential and construction sectors.
Our team of fire consultants can assist with your fire safety obligations throughout the life cycle of a building, including from design, construction, use and building remediation surveys and advice.
FAQs – Fire Safety in Ireland

Our Locations

SOCOTEC UK is the leading Testing, Inspection and Certification company in the UK, with over 35 sites and laboratories located across the UK and Ireland. Explore our interactive map to find your nearest SOCOTEC site.
SOCOTEC UK is the leading Testing, Inspection and Certification company in the UK, with over 35 sites and laboratories located across the UK and Ireland. Explore our interactive map to find your nearest SOCOTEC site.
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